Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Water, Water, Everywhere

Loaded up the hound and went on a photo safari here in the valley yesterday. The flood water and its power is very impressive. I let the girl out to range and I am always amazed at what an athlete she is. She scared up a rabbit where this photo was taken. I have never feared for a rabbit with any other dog but I did for this one. Honey bounds over the sagebrush. Luckily br'er rabbit went to ground in the nick of time. The water is some subsided today due to cooling weather. There is still snowpack up in the mountains waiting to come down. The BIA police were stationed at the bridge near my house to monitor it and close the road if necessary. Some bridges in the county are gone. They are sandbagging in Hudson and Lander. I suspect things have crested, though.

An album is at the link.

06072010 WY Flood

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