Friday, June 25, 2010

Landlubber likes boat pictures!

Nicole's boat is named for an idea-Le dou dou is like a child's "blankie," comforter, teddy bear. Andre hauls up the anchor but make no mistake who the sailor is. Nicole has been sailing since she was a child.

In Wyoming it was 91 degrees in Riverton today. We got a reprieve yesterday. Sue called and said the mail service was up again so I waited at home to pick up my meds, etc.,etc. That took one thing off today's list. Today was probably the last daytime trip for awhile. It is too hot to leave the dog in the van without the air conditioning running. Speaking of her, she is the ultimate working dog. I have to make her come in at night and she had dispatched three Prairie Dogs by 10:00 a.m. this morning. Alas! I counted 16 of them running around my pasture including the one I was looking for that saw Honey at work and ran for the hills as fast as his stubby little legs would carry him. Honey is funny. She is so official. She is on her missions and will not be deterred. Pretty proud of herself too.

I cleaned up and put on a shirt with a collar to go get my picture taken by the DMV. Renewal time for the old driver's license. That went well, but I had better get my glasses renewed. I had to take an inch off my height and the examiner said "silver" was not a choice on hair color. The "silver fox" became greyfox. Another humiliation. Shrinking and greying-I did not inquire about a "bald" category. Enough is enough. The new license will expire on Aug, 23, 2014 unless I beat it.

I reversed my trip and got to thinking there is some advantage to this roundabout route. Usually I get about nine miles toward home and say "Oh, shit, I forgot ____." Now I have a whole other town to catch up the misfires. I had my list in hand though and there were no misfires. Ace hardware, WalMart, Radio Shack, Verizon store, 789 Bingo. Still, it was five hours and we were both glad to come home to cooler shady environs. I stopped at Big Noi in Lander for takeout. The Thai lady didn't understand. I asked, "To Go?" She took me to the men's room. Took home some Pad Thai, Lander style, very different from Denver style but Honey liked it as an appetizer for Prairie Dog Tartare.
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