Monday, June 21, 2010


Just finished watching the sun go down after drumming and chanting all day in the nude-not!  The Native American neighbors are a few days into a peyote ceremony, though.The teepee and sweat lodge are set up. I heard them yelling at their barking dogs somewhat incoherently so I gathered Honey in and took the safety off the pistol.

In fact, I celebrated this beautiful first day of summer by installing the satellite radio on the deck. The actual radio travels but there is a dedicated boombox out there. I had to run the antenna up the flagpole. Filled the hummingbird feeder but let the other feeders go empty. The birds have an ecological role to play and I do not want to create a dependency so I am going to intermittently feed them. I do observe that they are sleek and have shiny plumage from the easy high-quality grub. The Finches were taken with the music. There is still food in their feeders but they stole close to listen. One sat in the Russian Olive tree not four feet from me-totally new behavior.

Honey took down another Prairie Dog-they are feisty little things. She has worked out the logistics. Thayne said the prairie dogs are really spreading in every direction from the Arapaho Farm. Besides their hungry destruction, the burrows present a real hazard to cattle, horses and cowboys because a critter can sink into one to the knee which can mean a nasty spill or a broken leg. Thayne brought me another pound of wild aparagus. This makes four bunches so far. He is keeping up with the picking better than anyone has.

Barnes and Noble has lowered the cost of their eReader, the Nook, to $149.00. The little video commercial at Barnes and Noble is naughty.  Amazon dropped the price of the Kindle too...a lot!