Monday, June 14, 2010

Rinse Well, Repeat

While it rained liquid green here in the valley, 17 inches of new wet snow fell in the Wind Rivers. Tuesday or Wednesday they are saying we will have new floods. There are 223 National Guards here in the county and it is kind of novel to see military vehicles standing guard at the bridge. I was out of butter and soon will be out of dog food so I went to Lander and also visited Pamida and the new Safeway store. A very nice Safeway store it is and the sticker prices were not too shocky. While I was in Pamida, I started a pretty rapid fade. I grabbed my bird-feeding stuff and went next door to Safeway after I popped some pills. Bought some OJ, drank two little cartons and started to pick up a little. Among the pills was a potassium pill. I have been trying to get my potassium from a daily banana. I figured the pill might cause a potassium overload from a deficit so I headed toward home feeling progressively better. Stopped to take these photos, tried to jump a dry ditch, didn't make it, and had a heck of a time getting out of it. ("National Guard Unit 43-We have an old fat guy stuck in a ditch at 420 17 Mile Road."was the haunting vision I had. "No, no car, just him. Better send two units.") Still wasn't up to snuff, I guess.

I stopped to watch them pouring boulders and fill at the washout spot I photographed on the Givens Road bridge. Made it home in time for the potassium colon cleanse-barely. But the improvements kept on and I helped Thayne a little as he fixed fence, then I got out the fogger and hit the emerging mosquitoes with a good blast.
My "bird-brain" friends were stumped by the one bird-they think it is an Arapahoe Boobie, perhaps. I put together the improvements to my bird feeding scheme this evening.
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