Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Odds and Ends

Friend Andre, from Montreal took a bit of silliness from Florida and made it sillier. I spewed my coffee when I opened this. I had taken Honey's brushings and given myself a head of hair, donned the goofy glasses and then we passed them around taking shots of each and all. I have heard from Rene and Therese and Jeanne and Marc that since I am "on the lam," they offer me safe harbor though the $4.00 reward is very tempting.
This picture was taken at Worthen Meadows above Lander last Saturday (wasn't taken by me!). So at least this much moisture is waiting to come rushing off the mountain. Though things are more tense in other parts of the Basin, the Little Wind River is mostly within its banks. Very temperate day today though last night was chilly. We may get more flood and we may not.

I had two census takers today-one for the tribe-a needs assessment really. UW will compile the results. The other was for the labor division of the U.S. Census. It is longitudinal and this was my 5th interview. I am still unemployed.

Friend Delores left for D.C. then to West Virginia for the summer. She will return in time for August festivities: her #2 son's Wedding Reception and her best friend Ruby daughter's Wedding in Jackson.

I am still trying to "get regulated." Took to my bed for awhile.
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