Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Still Working the Cows

(Note-the pictures disappeared!)

Kristi trots in pursuit of a cow-calf pair. They finished sorting and turned the bulls in today-about two weeks late. With cow cycles pretty close to humans it will take several weeks to make sure the cows cycle and the bulls "cover" them. So no more hot lesbo heifer action ("bulling" or "riding") and hetero action takes over. The bulls are persistent if unromantic. They complain constantly about not getting enough. It is a life and death deal for the cows. Not many ranchers will carry over a dry cow. Thayne takes care to match bulls and cows for good outcomes.
Feglers have been down here a LOT. Their routines are completely disrupted but I think they have the farming side well under control for the moment. We have had mid-90's temperatures and a hell of a windstorm today. Dust was blowing. Honey seeks shelter in the house during the hot middays. I take a siesta, too. The nights are in the 50's and so far the fan is sufficient to fill up the house with cool air at night and the house keeps comfortable. Serious irrigation is going to need to take place soon. I have been watering with the hose until the ditch water comes.
Harlan is a gambler like all farmers but I cringe when Harlan mounts the hay wagon and Tye Eric drives the Dodge. I've seen Daryne do it all himself-set the throttle and jump on the wagon and jump off to turn the truck. But they are all getting a little old for that. Harlan lets Tye drive and shouts directions like "go toward Manu's." Tye doesn't know right or left from his ass. And he doesn't know "slow and steady" either. That old Dodge gets to revving.

Heh, heh. Kindle for Android is out and installed on the Droid. I always have something at hand to read now. All the Kindle purchases are at Amazon until they are downloaded to whatever device is handy. And it keeps your place! I can read on the laptop, go to town and have lunch and fire up the Droid and it opens to the last place I read. Witchcraft!