Monday, June 7, 2010

God Willing ..and the Creek Don't Rise

Well, the creek is rising-dramatically. They are sandbagging in Hudson and Lander. That is the Popo Agie River. The BIA helicopter and several planes were flying the rivers today. The bridge one mile from me is at capacity in underflow. The Little Wind River is more like a miles-long lake. I went for provisions in case I am stuck for awhile. They have closed the bridge through an abundance of caution before. I can always go the other way but that would require a 50 mile trip to Riverton. Lander is a nice alternative, though. I'll get pictures tomorrow. It cooled off this afternoon and that will help slow the river's rise.
Today I got Finches! American Goldfinches. A pair, dining out. She was much hungrier than he. Maybe she is in a family way. They are pretty little things.
Denis and "Dix" emailed to tell me the unidentified bird I snapped yesterday was a Grosbeak. I was glad to learn this. Neither feeder is getting a lot of action. The birds are in the midst of abundant food right now.

Jason and Lori and Juneau are home in Florida after several weeks in Texas with her family. They enjoyed their trip and are experiencing the wonderful feeling of home. Juneau was good as gold, enjoyed riding in the car and is glad to see his pool. This is the first time they have left the state via car since moving there. Lori has lots of family and loves them dearly. A nice long visit did her soul good I am sure.
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