Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ho, Ho,

 It didn't take long to break my resolution about going to town at night. Santa had some shopping to do Monday for the Christmas in July party as well as getting the prescriptions that WalMart didn't have ready at last visit-daytime stuff. Incidentally, the Walmart pharmacy operation is a nightmare. Somebody needs to crack the whip on that outfit. But... $14.00 for meds that my insurance company pharmacy wants to charge me $75.00 for is worth some inconvenience. I had fun shopping. Wacky stuff-good for a laugh. Web stuff is coming too.

Poor Honey is a good sport but she is getting less and less ready to hop in for a ride. Buster always had a treat in mind. Honey is not particularly food motivated. So I stopped at a place I know to let her run. She LOVES that. There has to be something in it for her to make these road trips work. She disappeared in a flash. I had the training collar on her so I wasn't too concerned. She came back with her tongue hanging out and ready for some air conditioning.