Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday Buffet

Second day of steady rains of varying intensity. The flood waters are no higher, nor lower. I've been on a reading jag with brief breaks to sit in the drizzle and cook a little. I've been re-creating some of the "homely" meals of my youth with a few concessions to better ingredients. Mom used to make boiled potatoes, sauerkraut and hot dogs. I upgraded to kielbasa. This is comfort food of my sort. The feeding stations have been discovered and are getting a lot of action. The variety of birds could be better-goldfinches are becoming "ho-hum." They are all interesting. Grackles are considered "rough birds" but I have a soft spot for them. They are excellent parents and when the sunlight catches their iridescence they are beautiful. They are also great "watchbirds." When they start fussing look around. They have a hard time negotiating the feeder but they cruise the ground for copious spilled seeds. Sunday buffet for all creatures great and small.
I need to learn more about the bird below. The color is very intriguing.
Everybody is home. Matt got home from his conference in New Orleans. Judging from the Facebook pictures, he got to do some sightseeing and networking with other officers from around the country. We Skyped last night. Jason Skyped to me last night too. They had a good visit with Lori's family. They helped Joy, Lori's mom, finish her re-decorating. While Jason was in Oregon, the ladies went shopping for household amenities. Then Joy, Lori and Jason moved in on Lori's nephew Blake's house. Blake and his wife are newlyweds, employed, and have no time. Their house was in disarray so it was extreme makeover time. They went to Lori's dad's side family reunion in Paris, Texas and hopped off to Florida from there. Then Jason had to fly to Las Vegas for a business meeting. All are now home, catching a deep breath. 90 degrees in Florida-mid 40's in Oregon and Wyoming. I'm cool with that.

Greg called. They are back in Florida and glad of it. They will go home to New York to close up that property in September. They are going to be moving Lew's folks to a continuum assisted living place in Boca this summer. JJ is continuing to mend.
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