Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Amber Waves of Grain

The gold part of the top picture is huge fields of barley. Destined someday soon to be made into beer, the Fegler's barley won last year's top prize and will likely do it again as the heat makes for rapid maturation. The picture, taken in the late afternoon could be better-the sun was in my eyes and I couldn't see very well. I was on a late afternoon trip to town for essentials. I hated to go but forced myself, and returned about 10:00 p.m. I can do that because I have installed solar lights to guide my path in the dark. They are really getting better. A number of $2.00 lights mark the footpaths and some $10.00 spotlights light up the way. They also are pointed in a direction that does not pollute the night skies and spoil my stargazing.
I am not crazy about spiders but I tolerate them because they are beneficial. A web is now installed by this one in a place that will catch many, many gnats. The flash caught the patterns on this one. These spiders can get pretty big. There are lots of them outside every window. They use the house lights to their advantage to attract insects, then they eat them up! (This picture is worth a click to enlarge for the details-pretty cool)
My "Bird Brain-Trust" informed me that what I identified as Mourning doves in my last post were actually Eurasion collared-doves, an invasive species that are pushing out the Mourning Doves. I am learning a lot. I know from the music that I have Mourning Doves and there was one sitting patiently to be fed this morning. I pulled the feeder to discourage the Cowbirds who were dominating the feed but I took pity on this bird and some others and broadcast some seed for the morning.

Tye came by to chat while Harlan and some company shot prairie dogs. They are more under control -Honey hasn't killed one in about a week.

The reading jag continues. I read two books yesterday. I am up to the 1940's in classic mysteries. There is nothing new under the Sun! Just about every gimmick that crops up today was used sometime in the last century. It really is pretty interesting to me. Substitute Al-Qaida for Hitler and Goering, Transportation Authority Security for "dim-outs" on the coasts, ore for steel alloys for oil, and you have the same stories. The hero's car, an FBI provided Cadillac, had a governor to keep the speed to 35 m.p.h. to conserve fuel. The hero, Doan, has a sidekick-a Great Dane name Carstairs that he won in a crap game (Travis McGee and his houseboat-same gimmick). Loads of fun and insight for 99 cents a pop.

Honey brought home a puppy. I think it belongs to the neighbors. It enjoyed some food and went away. It is cute and would be a good companion for her-it is little but plucky. Meanwhile Honey sat in a mud puddle while playing and will need to be groomed a bit before we go to Casper tomorrow. Kids!
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