Thursday, July 29, 2010

On the Mend

The X-ray with a hemostat in the wound of little "Nudnik." The vet's office is very cautious about attributing a "how" or "why" to the circumstances of the wound. I am less so. This could not have been a self-induced impalement. The poor little guy doesn't have enough mass or torque to do this. He is doing much better and that is what we are all working for. He got two puppy shots and Thea showed me how to inject the wound with "Red shit" as Glenn calls it. It has DMSO in it to penetrate tissue and we have three antibiotics to use-Clavamox is preferred but it sometimes causes barfing plus Amoxicillin and I have a backup of Cephalexin if he doesn't tolerate the first two. Rimadyl is the painkiller we have. I am not crazy about it but I pay the vet to tell me what to do.
He looks bigger in this photograph than he really is. He is really just an armful. Not exactly handsome but he is winsome and charming and sweet.

While we were there this guy came in with a human. I think he is going to have shots and a wee bit of surgery. When you look at the young man's face it is clear why pets are so valuable to us.

Two hundred miles and $348.00 later we are on the mend. Another "free dog." I was not actively looking for one but I suspected one would come into our lives eventually. It has.
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