Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good, Sucky, Party

Brother Rich turns 60 Monday. Bob and Doris came from Omaha. Cuz Jim and Susie planned a great meal and party as we are wont to have in July or August annually. I drove 175 miles, planning to return late the same day: Fair week in Casper and I require accommodations for my peccadilloes. "Christmas in July" left me with leftovers in the gag gift department so this year my contribution to the party were gifts of the same ilk. I left here in a rainstorm-welcome to me. Just prior to my leaving Rich called to say they were just going in to Frosty's bar. I was wondering if the party was going to be over when I got there. Sometimes walking and talking are problematic after a visit to Frosty's. But it was just a quick visit this time- a mid-day "pick-me-up."

I got there early. Susie's son Scott and his wife Karen dropped by. They were wildly successful in Yuma in the contracting and real-estate realms (and sold out for a bundle before the bust was even discerned). They bought the scenic part of a ranch near Ten Sleep and Scott, who owns Jim and Susie's home (or lavishly supports it) has an apartment upstairs. He, like his mum, is one of the choicest of this earth-kindness exudes from him. Karen who is from the Klungness family in Casper had buried her mother two weeks before and is staying with her dad. She kept dissolving in tears-overwhelmed with what she has to do and sadness. Bob and Doris arrived. Commiseration ensued. Karen and Scott left.

One of our regulars at these events, Skip, who was my classmate, Alice Hubley's, sister, and was Susie's sister in law, succumbed to breast cancer since our last soiree'. Susie was a brick throughout the whole thing. But we had some sadness there. And our whole age cohort is thinning out. Skip was a pistol and what a pie-maker!

It was cold and Bob flipped a chill so we made ready to avoid the light rain and move inside from under the umbrellas. The others arrived. I pushed back my chair on the wet patio and hit the ground. Honey copped an attitude with Rich and Val's dog and had to go to the van. We had delicious canape's and cocktails, a few laughs with the gifts, and Bob started feeling worse. He had been off antibiotics for e-coli for about three days before they came west. He was running a fever of 104. Jim took Bob and Doris to the Wyoming Medical Center ER. They took him right in. That cast a pall on the festivities at the party. We visited and dined on excellent grub but it was a subdued gathering.

I left Casper at about 10 p.m. Bob was still in the hospital scheduled for a CAT scan at 1:00 a.m. but his vitals were better after an I.V. drip. From Casper to Ethete it was a raining, lightning, evening for us. While I thought I escaped my tumble unscathed, my shoulders started to set up. I was glad to get home.

I called Bob this morning-they were at Rich and Val's and Rich was making them breakfast. They kicked him out of the hospital about 2:00 a.m. He sounded fine and said he was fine but he has an appointment with an Infectious Disease Specialist in Casper today. He has paperwork in hand.

Honey is still barely speaking to me today. Yesterday was not her favorite day and I tend to agree with that assessment.
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