Saturday, July 17, 2010


The cattle were feeding close to the house on a scorcher of a day Friday. I had a species of bird right under my nose. The execrable Cowbird. They started raiding the birdseed because they were close. Cowbirds are stinkers but interesting. They never sit their own eggs. The females can lay up to 140 eggs a season in somebody else's nest. Other birds hatch and feed the cowbird babies. Most don't seem to mind but if they kick the egg or bird out, cowbirds are known to trash the nest. They are symbiotic with cows, marching in their shadow to keep cool and eating the seeds and bugs stirred up by their grazing.
Harlan's much younger brother Steven is seeing a Lander lady who owns a fireworks stand. He came into a pile of big ones-freebies. We had a fireworks show last night. I went out on the highway to snap a few pix. Couldn't stay long because I lose my balance in the dark but it was pretty neat. Honey, blessedly, is not fazed by fireworks. That is a mixed blessing because she is also not afraid of gunfire.
The hummingbird feeder has been out for a month and so far, I think the bees have about emptied it. But a little hummer showed up yesterday so I re-stocked. I got several good bird pictures yesterday. It is probably about time for a Picasa web album.

I was in need of dogfood, meat, and bottled water yesterday so I waited until after 5:00 and went to Lander. It was still hot. Safeway, after WalMart is sooo middle class and designed to force you to "buy up." The spuds are big and showy and mealy. The smaller packages of meat are higher per pound. I bought big and repackaged after I got home. But it is all presented so nicely-then you get to the checkout stand! They tell you how much you saved by being a "Club member" but the non-club prices are simply jacked up.

Lander is a neat little town. It has a nice feel to it. Seems to be thriving. Having cooked at home almost continuously since arriving back here, I indulged in takeout from a little jewel of a place called "Asian Food." Generous if a little pricey: excellent Pad Thai with shrimp. The small space was very nicely done. Wished I could have taken the time to dine-in.

It took until 9 p.m. to cool the house off yesterday. Installed one more window fan to hurry the process along. The swamp cooler installation day is probably near.
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