Monday, July 19, 2010

Beating the Heat

Saturday afternoon I scurried around and installed the Swamp Cooler. It seems to get heavier every year. I will try to engineer something before I have to call on help to stick the darn thing in the window. The rest of it is easy. It is too big by half-but it was all that was available when the old one went to swamp cooler heaven. The cleaning, oiling, etc., went fine. It really does make a big difference in the evenings. I miss the plain fresh air from the fan. It can be 94 degrees during the day but it gets down to 60 at night which is just perfect for sleeping with a cover. Honey enjoys it. She compromises: she lies on the pack porch catching the cool breeze from the cooler while keeping eagle eyes and ears on the world.

After wonderful mornings on the deck, I spent most of the weekend days inside in the cool playing with my toys. I mastered the art of getting my DRM liberated iTunes into the Droid. I am thrilled. The Droid has a wonderful sound/speaker system-better than iPhone. And when I plug in the iHome tiny speakers it is a real stereo in my pocket. I am eagerly awaiting the forthcoming Android 2.2 update. It will allow the Droid to become a WiFi hotspot. It will be like an aircard. I can use the phone to access the web on my laptop. It will mean connectivity anyplace. Meanwhile, my Kindle library, and my favorites of my music library are in my take-along smartphone.

The iTunes purchases from day one were backed up to 2 DVD's- 6.5 gigabytes worth. Then I made some new purchases rendering the backups obsolete. I am working at doing the same with photos-getting them backed up. The link below goes to the Bird web album. I will add to it as time goes on.

I got a text message on my phone. "U wanna F___?" At first I was flattered and intrigued. Perhaps someone in the Lander Safeway "fancied the cut of my jib." It took about 40 seconds to picture myself: bald, grey, bearded, gut hanging over my baggy pants, velcro fasteners on my Dr. Scholl's flapping so my feet would fit in them, shambling through the vegetable aisles: no, the beauty contest was lost about 30 years ago. The text must be a commercial venture. Then I riffed on completing the transaction: Making payment contingent on a "Happy Ending." Enjoying watching the service provider's face fall when confronted with my naked splendor. Their Sisyphean efforts and my leaving with my bankroll intact. Cruel, eh? But maybe it is a trap. "Let sleeping dogs lie."

Brother Bob will come to Casper for a visit this week. I will go down for some festivities.
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