Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jesus Wept!

The pup was feeling much better yesterday. I left him home while we made a quick dash to town in the evening and did everything and got back in a little over 2 hours. I was on a high waddle. The pup had rearranged the furniture-made a nest under the stove. He pushed out some things I had forgotten I had. After a good dinner, he was antsy to go home. He pushed open the screen door. I fetched him back. Then I got to thinking holding a critter hostage is no way to win affection- he was going to go eventually. I had noticed no people or dogs over at Norse's on my way back from town so I petted him, gave him my blessing and away he went.

He was back in 30 minutes, gave a peep and lay down. Later on it seemed to me he was going backward so I held him and felt some wetness on his chest. I made a print with a paper towel. It was blood and fluid. He wasn't bleeding but this was not good. Having determined that it was Veterinary time, I barely slept and we were off to the Vet even before coffee.

They looked him over, said X-Rays were necessary and suggested I come back about noon. I got some things done that had been on my list for awhile and it was relatively cool. Went back to the Vet's about 11:30. They told me they wanted to keep him overnight. He was receiving two I.V.'s : one fluid, the other antibiotic. Glenn said he wanted to talk to me. He showed me the X-Ray. Somebody had stabbed the pup frontally in the throat "with a blunt object." From the wound it looked to me like a pencil.  It missed the heart and lungs but it pierced a very important membrane. He had additional scrapes and bites. As Glenn and Gunda are leaving tomorrow for Germany for nine days, he instructed me on the meds and a "horse medicine" I have to squirt down the hole every day that will make the wound heal from the inside faster. He said from the looks of his nails the pup had been penned most of his life and he thought he was about a year and a half old. I checked on the way to and from town today. There are no dogs left at Norse's and one car comes and goes. Something awful happened over there. I was on the verge of hyperventilating on the way home. How could anyone....