Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Now for something completely different

Peggy drove the pickup for feeding today. Tye rode on the wagon with Harlan. Tye would wave in different ways and i would mimic him. He was laughing out loud.
The squirrels were on this side of the house today. They are hard to photograph but I think you can see them. They were quarreling or courting. One was aggressing, the other was having none of it.
There are two of them below- click on the pic to see them both. Fun to watch and so far no interference with the feeders. I got some good bird shots today but nothing newsworthy.
I felt really well today. It has been kind of up and down. Every day is a surprise. I keep trying to isolate what makes a difference. Good sleep+, Salt-, Sugar -, Meds on time+, Nap+, Certain supplements+: EFA, Magnesium, new time released Rx Potassium, Calcium with D, Oxegen.

I haven't used table salt for a long time but I am now having to read those labels for sodium. Too much and I am puffed up inside and out. It is a revelation. A can of prepared chili has 50% of a daily allowance of salt.

Hey, that Mel Gibson is quite the poet, eh? What a way for a nice Catholic to talk!
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