Saturday, July 31, 2010

To Market, To Market

The trip to town today leaned a little more toward "want-to" than "have to" go. It was cooler-overcast and I wanted to get a harness for Buddy, sundry supplies, cheese for meds, and to search for "mosquito dunks." The mosquitoes have been fierce. Honey has a bump on her nose from bites. I got so many bites yesterday my histamines were out of whack. I have been fogging and they have been coming faster than I can kill them. Mosquito dunks are rings of "stuff" that you can put in standing water that kills mosquito larvae. They last 30 days, do not harm fish nor fowl nor animal.I think they release a bacillus.  If they work, I should see a difference in 48 hours and then I can fog again.

Buddy's harness is black. No real choices. It is pretty fancy though-a mesh-no tug, design with "Sherpa" straps. Fuzzy ones. So no irritation that I can see. He is a good traveler. He loaded himself but the jump down was a little daunting so I helped him. Part of the trip was to buy a milkshake for Honey. That is the only way I can get the Iverheart medicine down her (and Buster). She shared and really enjoys this treat. She also enjoys sharing Fritos under the table. She is not usually a beggar but I got a definite rake of the paw. I had asked Glenn about her killing Prairie dogs and he said plague and tapeworm were the only real concerns. There has been no plague for 30 some years. The Iverheart will take care of any worms.

The social cohesion is growing in our little group. Buddy achieved the bed last night. Honey is definitely a  baby sitter when she is not leading a safari. Buddy is a little trouper but will return if he gets tired or worried. Mealtime is a little problematic. Buddy is a communal "every dog for himself," dog. Honey is a "this is MY bowl, thank you!" dog. Buddy is very trusting of me and a little too dependent. That is just fine for now. Fixed them liver last night to build them up. That was a hit.

An interesting study on Calcium supplements is out. They caused more harm than good in a large study. They do help with the bones but they send the calcium levels in blood too high and that is bad for the heart. I am going to continue to take them because my diet doesn't have a lot of calcium but I am going to break them in half. The harm comes from the overdose.