Friday, July 30, 2010

Buddy Settles In

Buddy is to be the pup's name. He already has that role. He tends to stick close. He is dark, my house is dark and my rugs are dark and he is in danger of becoming a squeak toy for my clodhoppers. The intern Vet suggested a harness for him rather than a collar due to the location of his wound. I will get a couple: one for formal wear and another the brightest color I can find-fluorescent if possible. He takes meds like a dream. Wrap a little cheese around it and it is gone!

We had milestones yesterday, first poop, and first boner, which I take as a real sign he is on the mend. He seems housetrained (I think) and comes when called pretty well. Unlike Honey, he will work for food. He eats well-much bigger bites than Buster ever took and he was a bigger dog. I think it probably comes from having been half-starved all his life. The testicles will go in a few weeks- he is not big enough to compete here on the rez. It is dangerous.

Honey is tolerant, and is taking a big sister role. For some reason, though she doesn't ever spend the night on the bed, she decided he wasn't going to either. I drifted off last night as they were working that out. They do have to work it out themselves and as long as there is no biting, it works for me. On the positive side, she feels like she is in charge of somebody and is working with her ears forward and shoulders squared. Buddy is not as mobile as he was and will be but it is funny to see her bustling around with a little sidekick in her wake. He disappears in the tall grass. She is concerned if he squeaks. He would like to be friends but she is just an aloof dog. That will change when he can play.

Buddy is pretty vocal. I have never heard him bark but he howls, yips, complains, cries, and squeaks.

He has gone back to his old haunts a couple of times but nobody is there. He is back shortly and I hope he gets it out of his system. Cranes have arrived and the bridge is going to be fixed one day. Cars will be zipping along that road.