Monday, July 26, 2010

Animal Hospital

Sunday morning there was doggie tumult at the Indian neighbor's house. They were upset. So was Honey. As I picked up the mail "the puppy" was across the street trying to get here. He was a mess: bloody, very shaky and in obvious pain. He was soaked.  He came across on his own but I packed him off to the deck. He seemed "shocky" to me. So I wrapped him in a flannel shirt for awhile. He was still shivering so I made a potion of water, sugar, sea salt and ibuprofen and spooned it in his mouth. I seriously pondered a mad dash to the vet but decided if he were going to leave the planet, which seemed imminent, he would be comforted and I hoped he would make it. After warmth returned to his extremities he moved into a doghouse right there by the deck and there he slept except for periods of crying which broke my heart. In the evening we did more potion and he was able to lap a bit of from the bowl. I brought him in for the evening and he slept, unmoving, by the stove. The plan was for an early Monday morning dash to the vet. I spoke to him this morning and got a little wag-there is not much to wag. He was still whimpering when he tried to move. I didn't eat much of my dinner last night so I had some tasty morsels of meat to offer and he was ready to eat them. He drank some water and I carried him outside and we had a little pee. He is inert by the stove but he has more tone in his muscles today and only whimpers when he tries to move. Although he had blood on his leg, I can see no gaping wound. Internally, I don't know, but it seems his systems are functioning. He has a way to go but I think he will recover.

Well, I am back--the pup disappeared on me. I went searching and found him inert on the hill in back of the house, covered with mosquitoes. I think he had a chill. So I wrapped him up and brought him back in. He is happy by the stove in my jacket. In typical adult attention deficit disorder behavior I got attacked by the mosquitoes, so I fogged again. Cuz Donna called to inquire about the puppy ( he may not be a puppy-maybe just small- I saw his teeth) so I fogged with her, then sat on the deck and we gabbed until our batteries went dead. I played with Honey. She has been very tolerant of our patient but I do not want her life to change. She's my baby.