Thursday, July 15, 2010

And me without a camera!

The house stays blessedly cool during the day but after 7:00 p.m. the absorbed heat makes it warmer than outside so the fan comes on and I go out to sit on the deck until it balances. There I was sitting like a dummy when an owl sails up to the bird feeding station and settles on a fence post. I tried creeping in to get a camera but I scared it off.

From three different experts my robin-like bird was identified as Turdus Migratorius, a Robin! I am not entirely sure but it will be a Robin until I can say otherwise. Made me feel kind of like a turdus couch potatio. I downloaded an iPod application to identify birds but I am hopeless with it. I will practice but I have more faith in my advisors than the program at this point.

The mosquitoes were making a pretty good comeback so I scared away the birds and fogged this afternoon. The little varmints were biting through my clothes last night. I had to find my backscratcher.

Harlan and Tye fed this morning. Tye came over to the fence to talk and told Harlan not to look-several times. Harlan would look away and I could hear him laughing. But as soon as Tye gets stuck for a word he is hollering for help from his Grampa. After help, Grampa has to look away again. It really was kind of funny but I had to keep a straight face.

Skyped with Matt last evening. Last time we Skyped we dined together. We just both happened to be eating. It was really kind of cool. Eve took off for Colorado to see her sister and Audrey went with to meet her brand new cousin. Lots of cousins down there. Matt said Audrey is having a good time.

Matt has a couple of days left of being Supervisor and I think he is going to be glad to have it over. He looks tired.

I called Greg. His Facebook page said they were vacating Florida by the next weekend. Too damn hot. Had long IM's on Skype with Jeanne. She got the bill for her angiogram. It was totally worth the $9500 for her peace of mind but I am not sure if the taxpayers would share that sentiment. Whatever...

The undersea oil gusher appears to be capped. Everybody is being tentative about it but it sure feels like a relief to me. I will see if I can do some eco-tourism on my way down to Lake Worth this winter.