Monday, July 5, 2010

A Gorgeous Day

Sunny, temperate, water in the ditch for Honey to play in, birds at the feeder, and I am fixing the blots on my blog. I am not sure what happened-if it was an attack on the Internet or what, but it was discouraging. I spent three days, count 'em, downloading music. I have been adding to my collection for some years-from CD's and from iTunes.  iTune music from the beginning had digital rights management (DRM) which essentially made the music a prisoner to Apple players. They dropped the DRM and started charging more for the music. This made for a terrible hodge-podge. I could download some tunes to my phones and not download others. So I did the upgrade on everything I purchased from Apple. In the fine print it said the upgrades would be better quality-twice the size, files. Only 150 could be downloaded at one session. Huge, time consuming downloads and not much bandwidth left for anything else. But it is now done. The music is now mine-free and clear.

I can barely express how much I am enjoying having the bridge out. I used to be in the middle of this road. Now I am at one obscure end of it. I ran around in my underwear until 2:00 p.m. Friday. It is quiet, peaceful, serene, Arcadian, Eden-like. Friday evening I gave the dirt road a try. Thayne said it had been graded and the grader took the crest of the steepest hill down a notch or two. It is not too bad but I am not sure it is a big improvement over the 50 mile trip. It is going to take at least 40-50 minutes to get to Riverton either way. The dirt road is pretty much a washboard most of the way. I may need a tribal fishing license to use it as it is tribal land. Thayne said he talked to the D.O.T. man and they have no plans to start bridge repairs until September.

The 4th of July came and went. I haven't felt much like flag waving for about a decade.  Saw some fireworks from a distance, made a pot of ham and beans. Honey got some good bones. Called Delores. She was on Wingrove Hill with Jayne and Marilu "having a weenie roast." "Oh," I said, talking about men, huh?" They thought that was funny. I am so glad there is not a woman in my life to disappoint because it strikes me they most all end up that way.

Talked to Rich. They are so in love with their new/old dog. Greg called. He is so ready to get out of Florida until the fall. The Florida kids are sweltering, too.