Wednesday, July 14, 2010


When I bought my Rez Fishing license it was an afterthought and I left two cartons of Dorals on the counter when I left, apparently. This was not discovered until yesterday about 1:00 p.m. "Good time to quit!" By 4:00 p.m. I was cleaning cars looking for a pack or at least a long one. By 4:30 I was on my way to Ethete to buy a couple of packs.

This morning I was still searching for my missing cartons and waiting for Tye to show up before I took off for town on an errand of mercy for myself. Tye overslept so his sweet daddee (how Tye says it) let him ride his little bitty four wheeler on the deserted highway while he followed him on a big ATV. We had our little visit but it was getting toasty when we left here for town.  I had made a list of chores so as to not waste the trip entirely. Good thing. It was so warm I could not leave the dog without the air conditioning running. So while I completed my list, I broke it into bits where I could park close, run in and run out. Got birdseed at WalMart. Stopped at 789 Bingo for cheap cigs and thought to ask if I had left my cartons there on the counter. Turns out I had. Yay! On to Lander for my groceries at the new Safeway. Four hours later I was home and tired from the heat and the running and the late night last night. Nap time.