Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gonna be Buddies

Buddy continues to mend. Honey can't wait for him to play. It is a little early though and at the first sign of "owie" Buddy thinks it is time to take a hike. Honey knows how to be gentle with little dogs but she is anxious to play. She isn't getting enough playtime from me because of the skeeters. They are fewer today. I was able to enjoy coffee on the deck and we played this morning. One more day and I will fog again. They became bothersome this evening. I have enough antibodies or whatever floating in my system that the bites now sting.
Buddy is not in need of people socialization. He ran right up to Thayne today and tried to climb his pantleg (in a good way).
Kristi took the little kids down to the bridge. She talked to the workers and September 8 is the completion date. Governor Dave's generous offer to pay the FEMA 25% match from state funds headed off a whole lot of mess and delay. The county and the tribes can't get into a fight about that. It probably set the project forward by 6 months. Kristi has four trips a day on that road when school is in session so she is anxious to get the bridge open. Thayne and I agree this has been the best summer ever so far. Buddy ran right up to the ATV and started making friends with the little kids. This tended to settle Honey down. A new model for her. Kristi said "Angel Buster" sent me a new dog because he knew I needed a snuggler. A sweet sentiment that made my eyes moist. I do miss that little rascal terribly. But the path to a new dog could have been easier for Buddy-he didn't have to nearly die.
Honey, full of hell. She has deconstructed her outdoor dog bed. She is ready to romp.
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