Saturday, August 7, 2010

Better than expected

Still feeling a little punky, I didn't expect much of Friday but it was good. The wildlife cooperated in providing a little variety

A Canada Goose and a Killdeer (I think- the neckband has me confused- click it and tell me what you think). I got a blurry shot of Snow geese down by the river. The 20X lens does have its limits. I'll try for a good one.
The squirrels came out to play-scavenging seeds under the birdfeeders. A young one slid off the metal roof of the house screaming all the way. Honey went to try to catch it but was not successful.
Pigeons nobody seems to like but they are very beautiful birds. I was glad to see a pair.
Honey was a little out of sorts yesterday. I think it is sinking in that Buddy is here to stay. Still, they played, went on a safari and hung out together. Buddy likes to sit right close to her and she gets up to move. He steals a snuggle sometimes. He is dividing his time between us-not quite so dependent on me and that is a good thing. I think Buddy "has a history" with beds. He has come calling at bedtime but when helped up on the bed-he freezes-stays put. I fixed a step for him and he has gone there on his own but when discovered, he acts very guilty. I think he will get over it.

I had to go to town-was flat out of some things. I waited until 6:00 p.m. so the dogs wouldn't boil in the car though the day was cool. I drove by Halls to see if, by chance, all had not departed for Jackson. I was in luck. They got to meet Buddy. Greg and Kinsy's dog, Arnie, was there. Honey was VERY protective of Buddy. She had to go back to the van. Buddy and Arnie played. Didn't stay long-went to Wal-mart. I should be good for several days.

It was after 10:00 when we returned and I was very tired. Got stung three times by mosquitoes between the car and the house. I followed cuz Donna's advice and slapped some vinegar on the bites and it seemed to help. Hit the sack early.
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