Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Under New Management

Buddy's buddy
Anybody wanting to mess with Buddy will have to go through a) a ninety pound Pyr who takes "guard dog" seriously and/or b) a (weight withheld) O.F. who packs lead (not just in his ass). Buddy's winning ways have made a devotee out of the Honey girl.  They play well together, explore, hang out, and just be dogs which they are allowed to do here. I'll take Buddy to the vet sometime soon for a followup. His right rear quadrant doesn't work quite right yet and there is puffy spot in his left rear joint. He is done with his antibiotics and is much more lively than he has been.

I am feeling better. I have little doubt that I had West Nile Fever. Only one percent of those who get it get the encephalitis/meningitis kind.  All the symptons I had are on the list except for a rash which does not  always occur. I still play out a little quicker than usual but that is what the bed is for.

Nicole and Andre called on Skype. They panned their computer camera around the marina. I quacked at the ducks and they quacked back. Funny.They are having a great summer. Good weather and wind for sailing. Nicole's birthday was the 31st of July and she had several celebrations. I sent a Smilebox and she liked the music so well that she wants it. The music is locked up by Smilebox but I found some that might work. By the way, Amazon has some real treats for music downloads and good prices. iTunes is not the only game in town.
Since Verizon is not going to provide the WiFi tethering option on the Android 2.2 upgrade ( they are so C.S.) I downloaded a cheapie tethering option from Handango. Didn't work. So I went to trusty old June Fabrics for pda.net which they have for Android now. Works like a champ. AND they have reduced their prices. What Verizon doesn't know, won't hurt them...much.

The weather here is to my liking-though the weather bureau says it is scorching some days, I don't know it unless I leave the oasis. It gets down to 50 degrees at night. In the morning cool I employed the rake today. Honey is a girl who likes to have her own and she hauls in everything from big sticks, to petrified cow patties (could be worse!), to her toys, to interesting food wrappers. I despair of getting her to pick up her toys.

Manu and Charlene's Pyr's can cross the river now. I have always regarded the lower 40 as their territory. Honey is not so sure. It was fascinating to watch those dogs work yesterday. As they guard sheep, they are serious and the coyotes were taking off in every direction. No question of playing. Nobody died.

I don't seem to find the time to read in Florida so this has been catch-up time. Twenty-five books so far. Great summer!
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