Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wild Day

One of the organizing principles of my retirement years is minimal stress. I used to thrive on it until it started to kill me. The morning went according to plan: updating the maps on my Tom Tom GPS:
 a   l-o-n-g download. I had made an appointment to have Buddy's progress monitored and I wanted to get a puffy spot looked at and see why he goes gimpy on the run.  That appointment was for 2:00. I had made my shopping list and was going to make this my weekly run.  The Vet is pleased as I am about his healing progress. Then he feels the lump and says "hernia" needs to be fixed today or tomorrow. I asked if Buddy was well enough to be neutered since he was going to be sedated anyway. Glen said sure and "he won't even know they are gone." So what was to be a routine visit turned into surgery. I did go marketing and to K-Mart big men's section to buy some slacks and a short-sleeved shirt with a collar. I have a wedding reception to attend on Saturday. My dressier shirts have migrated to Florida. Jackpot: my size khakis, and slacks, had a number marked down to $5.99. Gadzooks! I bought several pair. When they rang up they rang as $2.99! The clerk said it was right.  Wally World had packages of cheese slices on sale for $1.25- almost half price. Since that is the modus operandi to get meds in the Buddy unit, I stocked up on those.

I picked Buddy up- still sedated. We got home and I carried him on to the bed. He came-to later and was a pathetic little guy. Unhappy and confused. Took him out  and he paused on the way. He missed them alright! He gave me a look. I may never get over it and Glen is a big fat liar!  I had some leftover Rimadyl and a whole series of Cephalexin so I am making the little guy as comfy as possible. Neat stitchery on the hernia. Glen said he was probably kicked and that sent me into a state. I had to bring Honey in early tonight. She assessed the situation and since we have a wounded warrior she was on Alpha Bitch Warp. Would not stop warning off the coyotes, and neighbor dogs. It was like stereo barking- surround sound.

This morning it was 40 degrees at 6:30 a.m.and a jacket morning for coffee on the deck. A flock of about 100 geese has been resting in the pasture for a couple of days. They are not disturbed by Thayne's irrigating or even Honey's forays after coyotes. Thayne loves to watch them too. They know they are safe, have a little water to splash in and lots of growing green grass to munch. That sight is the opposite of stress. Hope to see it again in the morning.