Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Everybody is Fine

I discovered it was a scorcher of a day when I went to the corrals to empty the garbage around 2:00. I hadn't really noticed. Thayne came by on his ATV, clad in his irrigation boots and he said they were really hot. Extremes for him. He has been having to do 4 layers and his earmuff hat to cut the barley and the alfalfa in the dead of night. I did go start the swamp cooler then and we have been comfy. The birds are clearing out. I haven't seen a Grackle for awhile. The Goldfinches are thinning out as are the Grosbeaks. It is either the weather or they take their cue from the Geese. A woodpecker visited and the camera was inside. It was drab so I don't feel terrible about it. Most of the large contingent of Geese took off at dusk. Maybe they had enough of the heat. More will come. The Sandhill Cranes are squawking a lot. They don't usually leave until late October.
"O.K, I've got you where I want you-say "uncle."
The doggies were full of it this morning and played and played. They really are funny. Buddy is a game little guy. He is digging for something. I fill in the holes when he isn't looking.

Decided to SMS on Skype with Jeanne for awhile today. I have been keeping that to a minimum-almost rude. Two strategies to keep it short now: either change the topic to me (TRY to) or be really positive-there is no drama in "happy." Within a few sentences I get a signoff. Cool.
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