Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Snow Geese

Though blurry ( I had to crank up the digital zoom to about 60X) this is at least evidence of a family of snow geese that has been in residence this summer down by the river. The babies are typical immature colored. Snow Geese also have a dark-colored "morph" which had me confused a little. They are snow geese but dark. I am pretty sure these are just the offspring though. There were many more in the spring-a huge flock. Stunning in flight. Nice to have these in the neighborhood.

I got some chores done yesterday. Progress feels good. Fill up that dumpster! I also messed with iPods. Somehow I have gotten my music collection a little messed up. Some songs on my playlists have disappeared from the music library. Disheartening because I have begged, borrowed and stolen from sources no longer available to me: Matt's collection. Jason's collection, Harold Post's collection. I wish I knew what I did so I could undo it. I added an Audiobooks reader. I like to listen to books when driving long distances. There are lots of freebies in that department too. Bestsellers are no bargain.

Honey and Buddy make me laugh out loud when they play. She is so careful of him-no squeaks. They are very inventive: tug of war, chase, gnaw your face off, "I have a useless piece of crap and I'll bet you wish you had it," "chew on different ends of the same stick," to name a few. The dog language is pretty complete. Buddy rolls over when he has had enough. Then he gets kisses.

Wild Salmon on the menu yesterday. Buddy likes it, a no sale for Honey. I'll cook with the girl in mind today.

It is starting to feel autumnal here. The major growth period is over-ripening is happening. The grass is hardening off. Cool nights are turning to chilly nights. Three on the bed last night and I was glad for the snuggles.
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