Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dis n' Dat

Buddy continues to heal and with meds, vitamins (E and doggy vitamins) good grub: Italian sausage, hamburger steak, and oven-fried chicken, he is making good progress. The tummy looks full but he is a morning cheese junkie. "Where's my cheese?" He is a good addition. He gives the girl something to do, plays with her, and explores with her. She likes him and shows off for him. She went off chasing a coyote with her siren running this evening. Buddy was in hot pursuit. Turned out the coyote was three coyotes. Buddy got a lesson in retreating with dignity. Then the coyotes howled at us and we howled back: tenor, baritone and bass.

The Canadian geese are already heading south stopping at their favorite place: our pasture. Thayne wonders if the winter will be early. I love seeing them and their presence means the hummingbird feeder is getting a little more action. When it is done this time it is done for the season. Kind of a dud this year.

Let's see: Talked with Delores today. She is back from West Virginia sounding refreshed and filled with hilly-billy tales. She got a lot done, enjoyed most of her company, and is glad to be back at work. Gives structure to her life she says. She will be off to Jackson for a fabulous wedding this weekend: Kara Calvert and some slimeball from Washington, D.C. (He is probably very nice). My Casper blogger/bird-brain friends are going too. Her son's wedding reception will be the 14th. We will all be together then- old friends.

Rich and Val went to Denver last weekend for a family visit and group birthday:Alicia's common-law husband, Sean, and another celebration for Rich.

They are going great guns on the temporary bridge. Two cranes are there and trucks coming from both ends. We are hoping it will wash out in the spring.

I know what Sooz is getting her sister Kerry for her birthday. (It has batteries so I was consulted) It is a very nice present. Sooz will be coming from Everett, WA to Casper before long to assist her mom's (our) old friend Jackie with knee operations. Jackie is caregiver for her sister who lives next door to her so Sooz will enable all this to take place.

Jason got four lobsters, scuba diving in the "short season." Only two people died this year. The lure of free lobster brings out the out of shape and rank amateurs in Florida.

I think I was bitten by a bad mosquito. I felt kind of crummy yesterday. My lymph glands in my arms are swollen today. I am hopeful I will be one of the lucky ones and that will be all I know of West Nile (if that is what it is)  and will be forever immune.

Jeanne, in Georgia, had a heart stress test yesterday in spite of her angiogram being A-OK. This is to find out why she has a sharp pain if she hurries up an incline (sounds to me like the insurance company is bucking the original tests which came because her brother had a heart attack). After a lot of back and forthing on Skype instant messaging I suggested she either slow down on inclines or avoid them altogether. Not very nice of me. Though the trustees today pronounced Medicare in good shape and Social Security in the black until 2037, I do think some folks are a little free with my money.

Like Woody Woodpecker says...
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