Monday, August 23, 2010

Tired and Old

As Nicole unkindly pointed out I am embarking on my 68th year tomorrow-you don't get your birthday until the whole year is in.  I am tired because I gabbed on the phone or Skype all the livelong day. Not that I have so many friends but we can talk! It was very fun and nice to hear from them. I really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the "card showers" to start -probably more my speed.

I really have outlived my expectation of length of life and find myself relatively hale and hearty and looking forward to a few more rounds. Every day is a gift.

I did my cooking for today, yesterday. A nice Safeway special $4.42, 7 bone roast that we enjoyed for two days and that gave the puppies something to chew on. I ran to Lander to get bottled water and dog food last evening. Some place burned down. The officials were still there on my way out. I can't really recall what was there- a house but I can't picture it and if it was  inhabited.

We had a visitor yesterday of the slithery kind-harmless garden snake but at MY age... a loud noise or a fright could send me over the edge. Honey was about to get it and I held her off-we spooked it right on out the door. The hot winds were driving it to shelter. Same song second verse on the deck today and we sent it to the irrigation ditch. The hot winds went away and it was high forties this morning at quarter to 6. Too early and that is the main reason I am tired. I have been up quite awhile.

Buddy is bouncy and getting comfortable-maybe a little too comfortable. It is great to see him full of it though. Regular good food, regular scratches, lots of play and a safe place to get good rest work wonders. He "gets" and enjoys toys, and really gets Honey going.  And now for the rest part...