Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Very Pleasant Evening

Janet and Guy invited me to dine at the Ethete Casino on Tuesday night in honor of my natal day. Her folks wanted to come so we met and made out like bandits.  It being Tuesday we all cashed in our senior rewards. Susie and I had birthday coupons worth $25.00 apiece. Janet and Guy got hot hamburger sandwiches to-go for their Senior Lunches-no cooking today either. I blew mine on the dogs who were in the van-and the server gave me three nice patties for them. Then we dined on filet, prime rib, or shrimp or chicken fried steak of gargantuan size, and walked out for a song. Max and I gambled away our $5.00 free gambling coupons. Of course Janet and Guy know a lot of people. I would say we had an excellent time. Then it was off to Guy and Janet's for dessert and coffee and PRESENTS. A beautiful green plant, an assortment of treats-munchies, from NOLS, a pair of Crocs, post-it notes, and good coffee, were thoughtful and welcome gifts. I felt honored.

I helped Guy unload his bull. He took something to the sale with his horse trailer and the bull loaded himself into the trailer. So he went for a ride. Guy usually runs a little late and came home from the sale and jumped in the shower and they took off for the Casino. We were munching eclairs and he remembered the bull. After what happened to Mr. Franks, I am leery about folks working cattle by themselves. So we unloaded the gallivanting bull in the dark. Seemed docile enough and it was glad to be home.

I fed the dogs their kibble with the rest of the 7 bone roast. Then playtime in the dark began. They are so funny. It was like a herd of elephants running outside and inside, and on the bed. They take turns chasing each other and the sight of little Buddy chasing the Pyrenees delights me.