Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stuff and Nonsense

I reluctantly ordered an electronic collar for Buddy. The dogs both mind pretty well, come when I whistle etc., EXCEPT when their lizard brains take over when they are threatened or in hot pursuit. Then it is no dice. The cars will be zipping down this road in a couple of weeks and I can't have them on the road. I checked the Wyoming law. Buddy is mine. I learned the hard way years ago that any dog you harbor more than 20 days is considered yours under the law. That lesson was in taking care of a stray who was seen nuzzling some dog-slaughtered sheep that Leo Harrington owned. I am convinced the sheep were carrion by the time my very mild dog got there but Leo wasn't going to get any money out of the Norse's. He got some out of me. I checked that law and it is unchanged. Also a rabies tag is considered proof of ownership. I think I am covered. I also think that Buddy would find a way back if he could. He is ensconced.

Honey gashed her lower left hind leg on something. They run hard when playing. She is the original stoic. Not a peep, no whining-just licking. She had the slows yesterday and I had leftover meds-cephalexin and rimadyl.. Fixed her right up and made her a little wild. She is in now for the mid-day siesta. Her electronic collar is on for the first time in a long time.

We went to town last evening. I made a mistake and went hungry. Came home with deli stuff and Chinese takeout. Won't cook today. Wal-Mart says their eggs are O.K.  There was an entirely new cast at the registers. I didn't recognize a soul.

Brother Rich had his daughter Alicia meet him in Fort Collins. He was on his Laramie- Cheyenne sales route. He treated her to a pedicure (he and Val went for one and he is an enthusiast now) and they had dinner and a good visit. She has decided that she made some bad economic decisions in seeking a Master's degree in Vocal Performance (not that we didn't ALL gently say "but how will you make money?" And, "do you have a fallback to support yourself?"). Faced with student loan paybacks she is starting work at a Charles Schwab call center. She has always worked and is multi-talented. She will do fine. But...

Birthday call from brother Bob (a first!): he is healthy, no recurrence of fever. Tests are fine. He has an open ended prescription he can fill at any time for a powerful antibiotic and has assembled a traveling pack of medical records.

Apparently I am one of 310 million "sucking the t** of Social Security" according to Alan Simpson. I don't recall reading that he declined his United States Senate cadillac retirement program. I am more than a little miffed at him and think with that degree of hostility to Social Security he ought to be off the team. If the dodoes can't see what would have happened by privatizing Social Security, they are not in the real world. Sure, let Lehmann Brothers or AIG or Goldman-Sachs manage your retirement. Sheesh!