Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cowboy Breakfast

Hollis tries on a horse
Janet and Guy invite friends and neighbors and former neighbors for a sourdough Pancake Breakfast annually. I got invited this year. Janet fixes pancakes every day. Her "sourdough starter" has been in existence a long, long, time. It produces light, fluffy, sweet pancakes. She put together a sausage egg casserole and other trimmings on this cool morning. Some of the attendees are real old-timers. Some our age or a little younger. Kevin brought a horse he is trying to sell Hollis.
Guy gets a hug from an old friend visiting from California

Janet finally gets to eat
Janet makes me tired. The woman is always on the go. She pays all the bills for the Lander School District (millions), keeps a huge garden, helps ride, vaccinate, does things with/for the Cattlewomen's Association, looks in on her folks, keeps track of her kids and grandkids, cooks, cleans and entertains. They are both as thoughtful and kind as can be. Good scouts. Treasured friends-not just by me. They could throw a party every day for a month and not duplicate a guest. Her mother tells her grandkids, "You know your mother is an angel." No disagreement from me.

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