Thursday, August 19, 2010

Niece Visit

My much older brother Bob's only child, Pam, and husband, Jim, and youngest son Ben (12), came through on their way to visit my much younger brother, Rich, in Casper. They have a new Subaru and they decided to take a vacation to Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, and loop back to Cedar Rapids. Their older kids are employed and at home. It was a very nice time. Pam has grown comfortable in her own skin. They are "salt of the earth kids." Jim works for an agricultural firm-a division of Cargill. Pam has had a daycare business for 20 years. They have built their own home and I would say are doing just fine. They are sweet, nice, can hold up their end of a conversation and I enjoyed the visit. I took them to the Casino and we had a good lunch. I had to inspect the car and I was impressed. I didn't know Subaru made an $18,000 AWD car. I thought they were much pricier. This car lacks nothing. It is Pam's and I thought it a wise buy. Excellent mileage so maybe they will do this again.
I had some CD's to deliver to Delores with reception pictures. My companions were good as gold with a long wait-the day was cool. Buddy gets hungry. His little tummy needs stoking on a different schedule from the big people. He went scavenging in the Van-I didn't know if he needed to go or what. I bought them a flame broiled double burger and that settled him right down.

He is settling right in. The two dogs are thicker than thieves and can't leave each other alone. Very entertaining. It is good for Honey. Buddy is a gift to us.
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