Monday, August 16, 2010

Not much happening

The dogs were up early-we were outside at quarter past 5:00. Way too early. It was misting, overcast, downright cool and clammy. This meant a 3 layer day in clothes which led to a toasty feeling that led to 3 good naps. I had no trouble convincing the other critters that this was a good plan. I shed some water and blood pressure points as a result. Buddy so enjoys a snuggle that he cries. He is getting "bouncy" like terriers are supposed to be. Three on a bed isn't working too well-they get to horsing around and playing and then Honey gets excited and wants to run. She is bedding down on the floor next to me so I can give her pats. I am yawning and ready for another nap. Catch you on the rebound.