Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Burning up the road to the Vet's-again

Honey is a hunter and a scavenger true to her European Wolf heritage. There is  high quality food in the girl's bowl 24/7 and I cook dinner for them! "Please Dad, I'd rather do it myself," is her motto. Yesterday noonish, she barfed-outdoors but with two dogs you don't want barf  lying around. It was a nearly recognizable critter and I saw a pellet of D-Con in there. Later on she had a small bunny she was eating-had hunted. I took that away and traded some left over pork for it.  This morning she barfed and I will spare you the details. Then she seemed lethargic about noon. I decided I had to know what was going on and what I should watch for. Gunda said we had four options: X-Ray would show obstructions, an emetic up her kazoo would help her pass anything. She told me what to look for with the D-Con and she showed no signs of that being a problem but it can take a few days, or we could open her up.  I opted for watchful waiting. Brought her home and fed her, adding a tablespoon of olive oil to her food. She seems fine tonight. I probably just hit the panic button. I love my babies!

I also asked Gunda to watch Buddy run-he performed as expected-when he gets up to speed the right rear wheel retracts.  She reviewed his X-Rays and the area at the base of his tailbone is separated probably from injury. She said it can be painful but it should heal in time. He is the darling of the clinic. Honey does pretty well too. They all want to touch her.

KFC cooked dinner tonight. They sure are proud of their food but we don't go there very often and I was already plotting on the olive oil.

Quiet evening at home except for Honey who was on the warpath about some critter out there. The CD's I ordered from Amazon arrived-cheapies and all French songs. Street music, accordions, etc. Nicole liked the music I sent and it got me thinking about the Quebecois in Florida so I added some and put them in a playlist called French Fries. Pretty schmaltzy stuff but a pleasant background to a quiet evening at home. I need to make my John Prince Reservations in two days. That is almost panic-making. The end of summer is coming and 92 days from now I will be in Florida-God willing.