Monday, August 2, 2010

Partners in Crime

Buddy is teaching Honey to be friendlier. Honey is teaching him to hunt. Honey knocks me out when she hunts mice on the hill. Until you have seen 90 pounds of dog bounding and pouncing on a two ounce mouse, you don't know how amusing murder can be. This evening the coyotes tuned up and Buddy started to howl, then Honey. Made me laugh out loud. In these pictures they were quite a way down the pasture before I called them back. (They came!) Honey stops and waits. Buddy is still a little stove up. I was glad he wanted the exercise but I don't want him to overdo. He is still on a lot of medication.
The doggies had me up at 6:30. The power went out and that always gets Honey excited. It got me excited too-no coffee! Daryne was down. I got a full head of water in the ditch now that the pastures are largely empty. Some of the cows went to the mountains for the summer. I was cleaning ditches and Honey was helping-in and out of the water and grabbing sticks out of clogged spots. There will be an even bigger head when they start irrigating the pasture below the house. I am pleased to get the place soaked up. With all of the trees soaking up the sub-moisture, I can't water enough out of the well. A Cottonwood tree can transpire 200 gallons of moisture on a hot day. After the ground gets soaked up keeping it topped up is no problem.

The squirrels are getting bolder. They ran across the roof and got in the Russian Olives around the deck. Got the doggies all intrigued.

I am nearly finished with the Maugham biography. What an interesting life. I'll have to let it settle a bit before I review it. Downloaded nine of his novels ($1.99). Of Human Bondage, (with Lawrence Harvey in the movie) and The Razor's Edge (most recently acted by Bill Murray in what I think was his finest performance) are probably his most recognizable works to us. Without spoiling too much I can tell you how my book turns out: he dies.
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