Sunday, August 15, 2010

Two Trip Day

a unique wedding cake
Son of my friend Delores, Greg, wed his girlfriend , Kinsy, in Las Vegas a few months ago and the reception was held at her parent's place yesterday. It was so great. Under a canopy of 100 year old cottonwood trees, the homestead is old and charming. Gardens line the driveways, encompass mom Wendy's art studios, shade the carpentry shop and venerable barn and horses. Dogs and kids, and grannies and young folks had the most wonderful food-most of it homegrown and homecooked. I have known Ray to speak to for 30 years. He is one of the kindest of this earth and has developed an idyllic spot to raise his family.
Deep fried turkey(s), ham, veggies...well, look at the webalbum and all will be revealed:

The trip to the party which was six miles on other side of Riverton, (you know you are in Wyoming when the directions say "turn on the dirt road and...) was the second of the day. I had to go to the Vet's to pick up some meds and they close at 11:00 on Saturday. The party started at 2:00. The first time for the two hounds being left. It sounded like buddy was trying to run up the door as I left, and the blinds were in tough shape from the big dog trying the same trick.   I was gone for 5 hours and the reunion was joyous-all around. I probably could have taken them- there were plenty of dogs. Would Honey have behaved courteously? An open question.

It was so nice to be in a pleasant spot meeting up with old friends for such a happy occasion.

I was tired last evening, the chill was coming on and I found a nice old flannel shirt to put on. It felt so comfy. Dozed in the chair with Buddy in the crook of my arm.

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