Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All is Forgiven

Today was blood test day. It was on the calendar but the late night munchies attacked and I had food at 11:00 last night making me think maybe Thursday would be better. I woke up about 10:00 this morning. So the 12 hour fast was still do-able. We trekked to Lander and I got the stuff done. Tick another one off the list.
Coming back to the crossroads, Mc Donald's had a big sign: "The McRib is Back."  O.K. McDonalds the boycott is over. You win. I read an article that said the content of them is unknown. Delicious, though.

Plunkett Road is nearly finished and very smooth. Nice job-we'll see how it lasts. Up by Thayne's I saw a huge coyote-or was it a wolf? Probably a coyote but easily the size of a German Shepherd. I stopped for a picture but my dogs picked right up on it and went crazy so I thought better of opening the door of the van.