Sunday, October 24, 2010


The morning coffee on the deck days are dwindling to a precious few. It was cut short today by flurries of leaves. The gold is falling off the trees and I am glad- no wet snows on leafy trees, please. A hard frost is forecast for tomorrow night and it could precipitate either day. It was kind of a slow day. I took Honey off the Clavamox after yesterday. She was distressed-itchy, breathing rapidly, and starting and running like the devil was chasing her. She seemed happiest on the bed and I spent some time there petting and calming her- no it was not a naptime. The naptime took place in the easy chair with Buddy on my lap and the Broncos getting whupped. I started the second half, then the next thing I knew dead Billy Mayes was trying to sell me a rotary saw.

I am still off my chow. I am regarding it as an opportunity rather than an affliction. Cooked for the dogs but did not partake. Constant Comment tea is still a favorite even among all the exotics I have on hand. I am missing Audrey and Matt. Missing my old man, too. Picasa 3's new iteration has an amazing feature. After you identify pictures of people's faces, it searches your hard drive and collects all the pictures of them. Then you can make a movie or view them. Seeing my dad over the years was very nice.