Monday, October 18, 2010

Slices of Life

Audrey is chronologically a kindergartner. The rest of it is all over the place. She is tall and strong, kind except when she isn't. Smart about a lot of things, and certainly flexible. I adore her and she says she doesn't remember me being this much fun before...leave 'em laughing. I always say.

Matt is in the midst of painting the outside of his house. The spray washing of the stucco. taking the gutters down, priming the woodwork, and masking is done and one half of the house was painted today. I entertained Audrey and went after lunch for Matt and the guy he is paying to help. The helper guy brings his dog, so I got a dog Subway too. It really is moving right along. I told Matt I liked the color- reminiscent of butterscotch pudding. He was steamed- it is not a food color. His neighbor Jesse, the Cook thought it looked like peanut butter. I am now referring to it as an earthtone.

Pizza and parmesan chicken wings at chez Matt tonight. A neighbor gave him a $2000.00 Massage chair they thought was broken. Whatever was the problem, it is over. I saw a row of the same chairs at the Rogue Valley Mall that could be rented for a massage for two bucks a pop. It came at a good time. He was enjoying it after his labors. He is racing the weather to get the paint on before incoming moisture. I am hoping that moisture doesn't complicate my driving Wednesday. The visits here are always too short but life goes on for these people. Matt will be back at work on Wednesday and the next weekend is several days away. The Cedar Lodge is no resort. Need to be grateful for what we get. Seeing a slice of their lives is wonderful. Good friends and neighbors, busy lives, good people. Context for my mind pictures of their lives.
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