Thursday, October 7, 2010

Something Finally Happened

USPS Mail and Fedex made their stops today. A little retail therapy going on here. The cell phone accessories (replacement charger, antenna, FM speaker gizmo) arrived and work as advertised. Mailed from overseas, passed through customs and here promptly. Honey was overdue for her checkup and I got the fisheye from young Vet Morgan because her bandage was dirty. I am doing the best I can, babysitting 24/7 and I know what Honey would do if locked up. Far more damage to a tender leg than the few steps we take to go out and come back in. Her cast was replaced, the lower joint is much firmer, the upper joint has a way to go. She had to be sedated, dropped a log and barfed in the vet's office. Buddy was concerned and mostly helpful. They both got their annual shots. Buddy needs his playmate. He is more than a handful when bored. He steals, climbs, and is owly. The stealing is really unkind to an old man. I keep thinking I am losing my mind: "It was here just a minute ago." Then I look at his cache spots and there my stuff is-usually worse for the wear. I sternly told him he was naughty today and he went to time-out- of his own volition. It is impossible to stay cross with him.

Brother Rich called yesterday and we had a date for dinner tonight. He called just as we were leaving the Vet's and said he would meet me at the Casino at 6:00. That gave me a couple of hours to kill. Went to Walgreen's and got my Flu shot. (free for old fogies, thanks to that socialistic program Medicare). This year's also protects against H1N1 which I missed out on last year due to it being out of stock. Bought the doggies some burgers to tide them over. Honey was hungry though still groggy.

It is raining again tonight. Presents a problem for Honey's bandage and me. Guy said he got 16 hundreths last night. Saw him at the vets. He couldn't talk. The walls have ears there.