Friday, October 8, 2010

Running Up and Down the Road

We were at the Vet's by 9:00 a.m. My girl was complaining last night- she is the original stoic. She was not moving except a few steps at a time. I finally got her to the bed where I was able to get her more comfortable. Spent most of the night rubbing her tummy because that seemed to help comfort her. Ms. Morgan was not very sympathetic this morning. Her work was just fine, perhaps the rewrap had a little different angle...I broke out the pain meds this afternoon.

A little rain last night and a cool day today. I was zipless. Not feeling bad just vegetative. The "universal" antenna I ordered is designed for cellphones with no antenna jack. It comes with a piece of velcro and you stick the transducer on the phone with that. It Works! It is not a big gain but it is at least a bar more and the calls are much clearer. I'll tweak it a bit.

Blogger friend Denis is back from Elk Camp. You have to know these guys to read between the lines. It was a funny blog entry. Think "Grumpy Old Men" crossed with "Tea Party rally." They didn't even see an Elk and I think they were just as happy. They got all the liquor there but forgot eating utensils.