Friday, October 29, 2010

Sure Happy It is Friday...

and 60 degrees and sunshiny and the wind isn't blowing. A blast of sunshine makes the spirits rise. Pecking away at departure stuff. It is a frame of mind. Remembering the things that must be attended before leaving and taking those few things (mostly toys) that are not duplicated in Florida. Then too, the nightmarish Part D Insurance for Medicare. The options are many. The insurance companies are gaming everybody. My little brother keeps coming up with horror stories and doom and gloom from his former colleagues at Blue Cross. The lastest, that I can't believe, is that you have to visit your doctor every 90 days to get your prescriptions re-upped. That would put me in a pinch.  I'll find out soon.  Blue Cross did say that my Part B premium would remain the same for the next year.

I have been processing less than cheerful news. Mom's chum and our distant relative, Velma Ward, passed on the 25th. She was in her 80's and had health issues from the time she left Casper to move to Salt Lake a few years ago. Gluten problems, I believe. I am sure she was glad to go. Quite a lot of pain the past months. She was a truly good person-a caretaker to all. A worthy life.  Cuz Jim's head cancer is recurring. His partner, Susie, is saying he is thinking of doing nothing. He is 74 and the first go around was grueling and painful and scarring. Tough call but it is his to make. It won't be too awfully long for many of us in this age cohort to be doing similar. Respecting decisions is important. Making the most of every single day (according to our own lights) is also important.