Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Preparing to Launch

As always, the ideal is giving way to the possible and the necessary. In prep for a Thursday departure to Oregon, things are coming together. Meds arrived by mail, the yard irrigation was drained and some outlets were closed off. The heat tape was turned on and the heater was adjusted for the pumphouse. I spent  time yesterday working on a previously dead traveling netbook computer. It was doing nothing in Florida, rendered that way by my own stupidity, aided by rambunctious dogs. I decided to give it a try before pitching it. I got some idiosyncratic action out of it and gradually worked it into a quirky but functional machine. That was satisfying but not really in aid of a road trip.

I felt better today than in several days-I lapped my potassium and I got perky. Maybe the silver did something. It does get absorbed and is an efficient anti-microbial and anti-fungal agent. Whatever, the good part is feeling better. These past two refills of potassium have been extended release. Perhaps they are not strong enough that way. Annoying to feel old because of an easily remedied mineral deficiency-if that is the problem.

As a worry-wart from a long line of worry-warts, I am now surveying efforts in view of a "blizzard of 49" while I am gone.  Tomorrow will be a busy day. Details, details done by a person who needs lists for details. Brother Rich called making his annual enquiry about campsite costs at John Prince. His son Justin is still struggling at finding himself. Rich can envision Justin in a pup tent just down the road from uncle Stephen. Stephen can envision himself being banned from the trailer park. Maybe if he came with a training collar?