Tuesday, October 19, 2010

House Painting

The front of Matt's house newly painted. A covered front porch will soon follow. Matt and Jerry finished the masking and painting of both the house and the garage. Once again I provided support services by child-tending (tough duty) and fetching lunch. Eve came by around 2:00 and we took Audrey to Bear Creek Park (lasted about 30 minutes there) then went to Eve's where Audrey snagged her friend Anna. She and Anna played and eventually ended up doing art work in one of Eve's work spaces.

Matt sprays the chimney-the capping event of the house project.
The girls creating. Eve and I visited on her back patio and were treated to the girls singing BINGO and other songs. They wanted an art judging. We were going "uhoh," but what they wanted was for us to guess what they painted. We had 500 chances. Matt called about 5 and we had him bring excellent Chinese take-out. (I happily paid). I got some hugs all around as I am leaving in the morning. I got the Van serviced so I am good to go. Happy days and I will put up an album of the trip when I return to Wyoming.

The doggies spent a lot of time in the van this afternoon. I bought them a meatloaf which should see them home.
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