Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Inside Day

It wasn't so much the 47 degree temperatures as the 35 mile per hour winds. It was chilly. So lucky we have been to have such a great summer and fall. It is just weeks until I wend my way southward. I think it is going to be about right. I have gotten serious: putting milestones to reach on my Google calendar. Florida may just save Buddy's life. He is pretty high energy but gets cold fast. He can let himself in. He can also destroy just about anything when he is bored. He needs to run. Honey is pretty much living on the bed these days while she heals. I had a phone conversation with the vet early Monday morning. Honey was bizarre and I thought it was her Clavamox. The vet thought it was aftermath of the anaesthetic. I put her back on the Clavamox and she is some better but I have to touch her very carefully. She will go into heavy duty scratch mode if I touch the wrong spot. It looks like somebody is putting cottonballs on the bed and the floor. Buddy needs his playmate and I want her well. 

We took a late trip to town. I called High Plains Power to find out if the Electrical Thermal Storage Heater season had started. They said "yes," but mine is not indicating the off peak time of day storage. High Plains is not fixing them anymore. I got another ceramic space heater at Wally World.  After I leave, the heat requirements are minimal but for right now, I need a little more than I am getting.

Though it was late, I stopped at 789 Casino and got my free lunch- a chicken fried steak patty, mashed potatoes, green salad and diced peaches. Just right, and I was able to eat most of it. Tossed the bun. There was a little old lady buying a second carton of Old Golds. She had played her $5.00 free gambling into $400.00 and was about to pass out she was so excited-she splurged. Bless her, a little abundance came into her life.  I played mine into nothing in record time. Even betting 2 cents and playing every possible line, can cost $4.00 in a single play. Easy come, easy go.