Friday, October 22, 2010

Catching, resting up

Both ways on the drive, I got skunked on pet-friendly motels. So on the way back I drove from Medford to Wendover, slept in the van for four hours at a Pilot truck stop, then caught forty winks at Exit 99 waiting for the Salt Lake morning rush to pass its peak.. So Friday morning we all slept until 9:00 aided by the fact the house and night were on the chilly side. But once up, we got moving. Honey had yipped and was limping  in Medford. I thought we were back to square one on the leg and I didn't want to wait until Monday. So off we went to the vet where we had to come back due to three ongoing surgeries.  I was glad we hadn't waited. Honey's cast had twisted and her dewclaw had made a sore on her leg. Washed, treated, and we decided another week with a supportive hard cast might be smart though the leg is gaining strength. Clavamox twice a day for the Honeybunny. As long as she was knocked out I had her rear end checked. Poor baby. She was so good and for once Buddy was helpful.  We are coming up on $1000.00 for this misadventure.

I shopped. We are set for a couple of days. The legs are a little swelly-not bad, and we all seem ready to sleep.