Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weird Day

I awoke at 3:00 a.m.and realized I was done sleeping for awhile. Not so the puppies who awaited dawn. They went out, came back in about 6:30, chilled, so we all went back to bed. Mid-morning awakening.  I decided to go to town just on a lark. McRib for me, double cheese plains for the dogs. Wal-Mart got a visit for forgotten items. Buddy was a little pill.:I don't know what his problem was. He can work the door locks and the power window on the passenger's side. I am taking the keys with me-always.

The Broncos stunk up a stadium in London, England so I didn't do my football time. I used to make a great meatloaf but I didn't succeed in making an edible one this year until today. I browsed the web for inspiration. Meatloaf and new potatoes and green beans. Comfort food. The loaf was spicy but the dogs didn't mind.

I spent quite a lot of time with the Humana 2011 plan for prescription drugs. What a racket. Back when the AARP was selling us seniors down the river, a clause was put in that you have to pay a penalty if you let your plan lapse. So we are over a barrel.  Just putting a pencil to to it, I could beat the cost of the new premiums alone by buying the drugs at Wal-Mart: $60 a quarter versus $118 per quarter for the premium. They have also upped the co-pays for the drugs. Of course you can't tell if you are going to need some expensive drug down the line, so you are afraid to tell them to stick it. The cost of my plan doubled last year and is a third more than that for 2011. No COLA from Social Security for two years, so I am going backwards. I need to do this stuff so I can take the Humana formulary to my doctor so she can write the prescriptions. Do I have confidence the new Health Care plan is anything but a big gift to the Insurance Industry? NO.