Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Janet

Janet and Guy, her parents, Susie and Max, and down the river neighbor, me, gathered at the big Casino for a nice visit and delicious meal. Not really Janet's natal day but the day it is celebrated this year. It was relaxed and convivial, all were pleased with their food. Janet saw some good friends. The Casino was hopping-very busy. I surveyed the license plates and folks are coming from miles around. The gifts were well received but Janet put the fix in on the ticket. She bought! Glad I went and had a good time.

My blood tests arrived in the mail today- a day late. I went from about an A- to a B-. A few more problem areas this year. Most of those were barely out of range. Surprisingly, my blood sugar score was very good- well controlled- better than last year. Potassium, my nemesis. was low. Uric Acid pretty darn high- no more liver for me, less coffee, more water. Cholesterol-low, good cholesterol  also low. I have been religious about olive oil and fish oil. I can't budge this number. PSA was barely over the reference range. Saw Palmetto every day from here on out. My iron was on the low end of normal which surprised me because I have been taking iron supplements and B12. I am glad to know I haven't been overdoing those. Will make the Doc appointment Monday now that we have something scientific to talk about in addition to my neurotic imaginings.